
Licenses for Europe - wspólne stanowisko Centrum Cyfrowego, EDRi, Fundacji Nowoczesna Polska, Kennisland i La Quadrature du Net

Data dodania: 14.11.2013

Na stronach Centrum Cyfrowego zostało opublikowane wspólne stanowisko pięciu organizacji uczestniczących w kończącym się procesie konsultacyjnym „Licences for Europe”: Centrum Cyfrowego, EDRi, Fundacji Nowoczesna Polska, Kennisland i La Quadrature du Net.

Today, the Licenses for Europe experiment comes to an end. This initiative, launched almost a year ago, was ostensibly an attempt to ‚explore the potential and limits of innovative licensing and technological solutions in making EU copyright law and practice fit for the digital age’.

At the end of this process we are compelled to conclude that 10 months of meetings have largely failed to identify any solutions which can be backed by all, or even the majority of, stakeholders involved. It is evident that there is very little consensus among stakeholders about the appropriate approach to making EU copyright law and practice fit for the digital age. It is unclear as to how licensing solutions can provide a significant improvement to a copyright system that has been widely recognised as being inefficient and out of date.

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Źródło: Centrum Cyfrowe

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