The Sound Libraries Section of the Polish Librarians’ AssociationThe Sound Libraries Section of the Polish Librarians’ Association joins librarians, archivists, and musicologists professionally interested in sound and audiovisual collections in different institutions. more
ZIN. Issues in Information Science. Information Studies, No.2A (2020)Thanks to the financial support which the Ministry of Science and Higher Education provided in 2020 under the program “Działalność upowszechniająca naukę: działalność wydawnicza (DUN)” (Actions to Promote Science: Publishing) to increase the national and international circulation of ZIN. Issues in Information Science. Information Studies, the editorial committee is releasing two additional thematic issues devoted to the newest topics in information science. We publish them entirely in English, hoping that it will make their contents more accessible to the international audience. more
Sources for studies on the Polish phonography - summary of the 2nd stage of task realisation The Polish Librarians' Association completed in December 2020 the next stage of the project "Sources for studies on the Polish phonography since 1878 till present days", the continuation of the task realised in the years 2016-2017 as a grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education more
ZIN. Issues in Information Science. Information Studies, No.1A (2020)Thanks to the financial support which the Ministry of Science and Higher Education provided in 2020 under the program “Działalność upowszechniająca naukę: działalność wydawnicza (DUN)” (Actions to Promote Science: Publishing) to increase the national and international circulation of ZIN. Issues in Information Science. Information Studies, the editorial committee is releasing two additional thematic issues devoted to the newest topics in information science. We publish them entirely in English, hoping that it will make their contents more accessible to the international audience. more
ZIN. Issues in Information Science. Information Studies, No.2A (2019)Thanks to the financial support which the Ministry of Science and Higher Education provided in 2019 under the program “Działalność upowszechniająca naukę: działalność wydawnicza (DUN)” (Actions to Promote Science: Publishing) to increase the national and international circulation of ZIN. Issues in Information Science. Information Studies, the editorial committee is releasing two additional thematic issues devoted to the newest topics in information science. We publish them entirely in English, hoping that it will make their contents more accessible to the international audience. more

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Partner wspierający SBPPartner wspierający SBP
Partner wspierający SBPPartner wspierający SBP
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