
Przyjmowanie zgłoszeń do "The 2019 Anthony Thompson Award"

Data dodania: 23.11.2018

Przyjmowanie zgłoszeń do

W tegorocznej edycji mogą wziąć udział bibliotekarze z Europy. To wyjątkowa okazja także dla polskich bibliotekarzy.

Szczegółowe informacje poniżej:


The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and its International Library and Information Group (ILIG) invite applicants from new professionals working in Europe to apply for a funded study tour to the United Kingdom in July 2019. This award enables a qualified librarian from outside the United Kingdom (UK) to visit and study some aspects of UK library and information work.

Anthony Thompson was the first full-time Secretary-General of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), serving from 1962 to 1970. Following his death in 1979, a trust fund was set up for the study of international and comparative librarianship.

Applicants should have a maximum of five years post-qualification experience and not have made a previous professional visit to the UK.

The selection panel encourages applications for the 2019 award from Europe. Given the emergence and importance of new professionals within international librarianship, applications for 2019 will be considered from qualified librarians of any age with up to five years post-qualification experience.

A panel comprising members of CILIP and members of the ILIG committee will consider applications. Their decision will be final and they will not enter into correspondence on it.

Normally visits last for up to three weeks in June or July and it is hoped that the scholarship visit will be planned to coincide with CILIP’s Conference to be held in Manchester in 2019. The scholarship supports transport to and from the UK, travel within the UK and a small daily maintenance allowance.

Applicants should submit:

1. a formal proposal in English of up to 500 words (equivalent to 1–2 pages of A4 paper) detailing how the visit will support their professional development within the context of their career to date and using the headings:

  • Visit objectives
  • Planned approach and content including proposed activities
  • Expected outcomes and impact post-visit

2. You should attach a Curriculum Vitae of up to four pages in length, including the names of two referees in senior posts. Applicants are encouraged to seek the support of their line-manager or organisation, prior to submitting an application.

Within six months of their visit, applicants will be required to write a reflective report of not more than 4,000 words and a version for publication in Focus, CILIP ILIG’s journal.

The deadline for the receipt of proposals for the 2019 scholarship is 31 December 2018. The successful applicant will be notified by the end of February 2019.

The selection of the successful candidate will be based on the following criteria;

• The benefits of the project to the broader profession as well as to the award recipient.

• The relevance of the application to the purpose of the Award.

• The clarity of the proposal, including aims and objectives, presented in sufficient depth to allow the selection panel to make an informed decision as to its feasibility. 

• The expected outcomes of the proposed study (e.g. its impact on professional development or place of work).

The proposal should be sent by e-mail to Anna Jablkowska, the ILIG Secretary, at ilig@cilip.org.uk


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