
Stanowisko IFLA i EBLIDA dot. zmian w europejskim prawie autorskim

Data dodania: 16.12.2015

Stanowisko IFLA i EBLIDA dot. zmian w europejskim prawie autorskim

EBLIDA i IFLA zapraszają do zapoznania się z komunikatem Komisji Europejskiej dot. kierunku rozwoju nowoczesnych, bardziej europejskich ram prawa autorskiego, który był wydany 9 grudnia 2015 r.

Because libraries and archives in Europe do not have uniform exceptions and limitations available to them in their member states, they cannot effectively share information across Europe’s borders. Citizens in the 28 EU member states have different and unequal access to information. 21st century libraries and archives need legal certainty to ensure that they can achieve their public service missions of providing free access to information to help build an innovative and inclusive society. EBLIDA agrees with the EU Commission that widening access to content across the EU is necessary and welcomes the opportunity to participate in consultations that consider exceptions to copyright rules for an innovative and inclusive society. - IFLA President, Donna Scheeder

Źródło: EBLIDA

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